Hey everyone! With the sun shining and a free Sunday ahead of us, we decided to explore the Wilhelma Zoo and Botanical Gardens in our new city of Stuttgart, Germany. Wilhelma was actually built as a royal palace and is now owned by the state of Baden-Wurttenburg. I was amazed to find out that it is the largest zoological and botanical garden in Europe.
We strolled through the zoo taking in all of the species of animals and plants. Brecken didn't seem too interested in the animals, his favorite part was splashing in water fountains, go figure! All his splashing away sent him straight into dreamland for the last portion of the park. The botanical gardens were AMAZING, they were so lush and bursting with so much color. I felt so relaxed and peaceful walking through the gardens. Along the paths throughout the park were wooden play areas for children. Families sat scattered in the gardens of the park eating lunch, sipping beers, and licking ice cream cones. A sense of happiness could be felt in the air. Children were giggling, chatting excitedly, and pointing out everything their senses were taking in. As adults, we love visiting these places just as much as our children. Why? Because maybe it takes us back to our childhood, or perhaps seeing these species as adults helps us appreciated them more. We left Wilhelma and caught the railway back home. How convenient to not have to deal with private transportation and parking! We will try to consistently blog about our life in Germany and the European adventures we go on. XO - Morse Family